The City of Chula Vista and the Sweetwater Union High School District has published health and safety protocols that we must follow, and that CVA Little League and District 42 Little League have agreed to follow.
Linked below is the Assumption of the Risk and Waiver of Liability Relating to Coronavirus/COVID-19. This is an important document that is required by Little League Baseball, District 42, and CVA Little League. Please read the Assumption of the Risk document. If you are in agreement with the waiver being granted in the Assumption of Risk document, then please sign (both parents if possible) and date the document and return to your team.
Waiver: Covid Waiver Disclaimer of Liability-d42 6.12.2020.pdf
Teams will not be allowed to practice until the parents of all participants on that team (players) have signed and returned the Assumption of Risk document for their player/child. In addition to players, all Managers, Coaches, Umpires, League officials, and visitors/spectators will be signing similar waiver documents.